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  5. How do I know when my hit quota is all up?

How do I know when my hit quota is all up?

The hit quota includes all measured page views and events as well as external campaign redirects and ad views. The automatic scroll measurement, campaign clicks and the ecommerce event “Product viewed” are excluded from the hit measurement.

You can see how far your booked hit quota has been used up using the key figures in the etracker reports. Simply add up the following key figures for the period that you selected:

Page impressions:

The page impressions can be found at Basic Reports→ Time → Month & Year. Select your desired time period, add the month as a dimension and voilà you have the page impressions for the desired month.


You can keep track of the events you have used in the Events Report under Basic Reports → Content → Events. Here you can also select the desired time period.

Attention: The events for Signalize (Web Push) are not included in the hit quota. Therefore it is important to filter them out.

After you have filtered out the events for Web Push, you can see the number of hits used for your events based on the Count for the set period.

eCommerce events 

If you use our eCommerce API, these events also count as hits. For this purpose you look into these two reports: Orders and Product Performance Report.

1. Orders

All orders placed count as hits. These can be found at eCommerce Reports → Conversions → Orders. Note that both leads and sales count as orders.

2.  Product Performance Report

Here the following events are counted as hits:

  • Placed in basket
  • Removed from basket
  • Added to watch list
  • Deleted from watch list

You can find the hits for this here: eCommerce Reports → Product Performance → Product Performance.

Forwarding links

If you use forwarding links from etracker that lead to external pages, you must also add the corresponding campaign clicks.

You can find the number of clicks under Marketing Reports → Campaigns.

App Analytics:

If a native app is tracked via the etracker SDKs, the following hits are also calculated