Expert know-how for your data analysis
In free web seminars, our experts will teach you live about the latest functions, exciting insights and practical tips – perfect for beginners and professionals alike.

Next webinars
Measurement and evaluation of conversions in etracker analytics
26.11.2024, 10:00 – 10:45 a.m. / Language: German
Jürgen Roth, Senior Consultant
Our expert Jürgen explains everything you need to know about measuring and evaluating conversions in etracker analytics.
- How can conversions be measured in etracker analytics?
- What are the requirements for using the conversion upload?
- How can the conversion key figures be evaluated and what are the requirements for this?
Review of the year and outlook with etracker Managing Director Olaf Brandt
12.12.2024, 10:00 – 10:45 a.m. / Language: German
Olaf Brandt, Managing Director
2024 was an exciting year for etracker analytics – a lot has happened!
In this live webinar, etracker CEO Olaf Brandt will guide you through the most important innovations and give you an initial insight into what is already in development for 2025.
Never miss an innovation! Learn how to utilize the full potential of etracker analytics and stay up to date to make your website even more successful.