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Hack for the Looker Studio

Tips & Tricks
1 min Lesezeit
Hack for Looker (formerly Google Data) Studio

von Katrin Nebermann

Hack for Looker (formerly Google Data) Studio

With the etracker analytics connector for Google Data Studio, aggregated, anonymized data can be conveniently merged with other data and shared with others in a legally compliant manner. However, care must be taken when adding up individual key figure values according to segment dimensions: The number of visits per page should not simply be added up, as several pages can be accessed in one visit.

You can find more information on clear key figures in this tip of the week.

To get around the problem with the unique key figures in the totals, a resourceful GDS user discovered this hack:

  1. Use the Year segment as the basis for determining the total.
  1. Add a filter for the Year segment (Add a Filter) and select a condition greater than 31/12/2021.

The total for any period from 2022 is then displayed as correctly calculated by etracker Analytics.

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