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Automatically to Google Consent Mode v2

Tips & Tricks
2 min Reading time

by Katrin Nebermann

Automatically to Google Consent Mode v2

Everyone is talking about Google Consent Mode v2. The implementation of Google’s new requirements raises many questions. The deadlines create additional pressure and capacity bottlenecks. Those who use etracker analytics, on the other hand, can sit back and relax.

The new consent mode is already supported by default when the Google tag is played out via the etracker tag manager, without the user having to make any adjustments.

When uploading conversion data to Google Ads, the table column for consent status will be added shortly. As implementation will not become mandatory until much later than March, there is no need to rush.

The implementation can be checked relatively easily:

Google Tag

Open the website and accept all cookies in the consent dialog → right mouse click → Explore → Network → filter for “collect?v”. The parameter gcd indicates that Consent Mode v2 is activated.

The etracker tag manager supports the basic mode, as the tag is only fired after consent has been given. And: The extended consent mode is not legally compliant anyway, according to data protection experts such as Dr. Thomas Schwenke:

“It is true that the consent mode also allows users to be recorded without cookies. However, the extended implementation of the consent mode in Google Analytics is practically useless under EU law, as it can only be used with consent.”

(See https://datenschutz-ge, under Conclusion)

Conversion upload

In the Google Ads account, the diagnostic function provides information on the consent mode for the respective conversions.

Modeling is irrelevant here, as all conversions can be measured in real terms via etracker analytics without consent and therefore do not need to be extrapolated.

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