Tip of the Week: Chart and/or table

Chart and/or table, that is the question here

In the etracker Analytics reports, the chart is displayed above the table by default. But this can now easily be changed with this new setting:

This new setting is as advantageous for analysis via the interface as it is for PDF reports sent by e-mail. Those who work primarily with the table in the interface can simply hide the diagram and thus save themselves scrolling to the table.

Of course, the setting can also be saved: Make the desired setting, then click on Save custom configuration, assign a name, define the time period and availability and finally use this as the standard – done.

Report configurations – i.e. only diagram or only table – can also be used for automatic PDF reports in order to display either only the diagram or only the table. As soon as the appropriate configuration has been created for each report, it can be accessed when creating the PDF report.

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